About the subclass 101 Child visa.
This visa allows a child of an Australian permanent resident who is currently outside Australia to come to Australia to live with their parents. The Child visa subclass 101 is a permanent visa and allows your child to live permanently in Australia. A Child visa subclass 101 lets an eligible parent sponsor their child to live in Australia indefinitely. If a child is younger than 18 years of age a parent may apply on behalf of the child.
To be eligible to sponsor a child for a Child Visa Subclass 101 a parent must be:
- an Australian citizen, or
- an Australian permanent resident, or
- an eligible New Zealand citizen. (An eligible New Zealand citizen a New Zealand citizen who was living in Australia on 26 February 2001 or for at least one year in the two years immediately before 26 February 2001)
The visa application must be lodged outside Australia and the child must be outside Australia when the visa application is decided.

Criteria to be met for the Subclass 101 Child Visa.
To be eligible for a subclass 101 Child visa, a child must be:
- sponsored by their parent or their parent’s partner
- single
- younger than 18 years of age, or:
- a full-time student between 18 and 25 years of age, or
- 18 or older and unable to work due to a disability and dependent on the sponsoring parent.
A child younger than 18 years of age must be single and not engaged to be married. The child can include their own dependent children in this application.
The child must be:
- the biological child or adopted child of the sponsoring parent
- a step child who has not turned 18 of a step-parent who is no longer the partner of the child’s parent but has a legal responsibility to care for the child.
An adopted child must have been adopted before their parent became an Australian citizen or the holder of an Australian permanent resident visa or an eligible New Zealand citizen.

Interested in a Subclass 101 Child Visa?
Our team of Migration Agents are committed to helping you obtain your Subclass 101 Child Visa in the fastest possible timeframe and with the least amount of stress. We have an enviable record of experience and success with SkillSelect visas.
Without doubt, we have the best migration solutions for your unique set of circumstances and a comprehensive visa application service to provide you with the greatest chance of a successful migration outcome.
Our No Visa, No Fee Guarantee lies to all Skilled Independent visas!
Whether you are an individual, a family or a corporate employer looking to sponsor employees, when you engage us (and even before you do) you will experience expert, caring service from a team of dedicated migration specialists who think outside the square. We offer solutions others haven’t considered and our visa/sponsorship success rate is exceptional. We know what works and what doesn’t. We are passionate about getting that visa and mad about our customer service. We will communicate with you every step of the way and always answer any query you may have throughout the process.
Australian Express Migration Solutions has one of the largest and most experienced teams of Registered Migration Agents in Australia, Including Indian and Chinese Migration Agents. We specialise in all aspects of migration including visa applications, citizenship applications and visa refusal appeals. We are also experts in new company set ups and the visa options available to company owners and significant investors.
At all times we are bound by the MARA Code of Conduct giving you further peace of mind.
Australia’s immigration laws regulations are complex and ever-changing. We will quickly assess your Australian visa options and get you on the road to your future in Australia.
Getting an Australian visa is one of the greatest gifts you will ever have, but the process is complex and fraught with many pitfalls for the unsuspecting applicant who decides to lodge their own application – we have heard many horror stories and have in fact “rescued” many doomed applications as well. It’s just not worth it. One error, however small, can lead to your visa being refused.
Your dream of a future in Australia can be realised and by using Australian Express Migration Solutions to handle your application you will give yourself the best possible chance of success. It’s what we do, day in day out -and the best part of our day is calling clients to tell them they have been granted their visa!
Application fees for all types of Australian visas have increased ridiculously in recent years, and it makes no sense to fumble around doing your own application and potentially losing a lot of money, and having a visa/sponsorship refusal on your record. Why gamble with your future and your money?
If your application qualifies for our “No Visa, No Fee Guarantee” we will refund our professional fees to you including GST if applicable, in the unlikely event your visa is refused.
Call Australian Express Migration Solutions on +61420-456-862 to arrange a consultation, or book a consultation here and we’ll assess your prospects of success with this visa type (Fees apply).